Midsummer night shopping dordrecht

  • Voorstraat Noord
  • Midsummer dreams

  • DORDRECHT - Twintig binnenstadwinkeliers, verenigd in de POBD, hebben een Midsummer Night Shopping bedacht. Op donderdag 27 juni zijn tweehonderd winkels in de binnenstad niet .
  • Midsummer night shopping berkel
  • Contact details
  • Midsummer night shopping dordrecht Blijf op de hoogte van je favoriete onderwerpen en ontvang direct een melding als wij er over schrijven.
    The Luthiers The variety of large chain stores combined with local stores makes shopping in Dordrecht extra fun!
    Midsummer Night! Donderdagavond kun je tot 22.00 uur shoppen Do you want to spend the night at a place you will never forget?
    Midsummer Night! Donderdagavond kun je tot uur shoppen - indebuurt Dordrecht .

    Dordrecht shopping night

  • It is possible in the centuries-old centre of Dordrecht, near the mighty Drierivierenpunt. At De Luthiers, water and music ensure tranquillity. Mendelssohn or Thelonius Monk, classical music .
  • Midsummer night shopping dordrecht
  • Midsummer night shopping dordrecht

  • Shopping in Dordrecht is anything but standard. The city is rich in local shops that you will not find anywhere else. The heart of the shopping area is at the Statenplein, where you will also find .
  • midsummer night shopping dordrecht
  • Midsummer night shopping berkel

  • Every Thursday is shopping night in the city centre until 21h00, so put on some nice shoes, because in the city centre you will find lots of shops, beautiful brands and special boutiques .
  • Dordrecht shopping night
  • InDordrecht newsletter
    1. Shopping in the historic centre of Dordrecht De Dordtse binnenstad staat donderdag 27 juni in het teken van ‘Midsummernight Shopping'. Ruim winkeliers en ondernemers houden hun zaak die avond tot uur .
      The Luthiers - In Dordrecht Shopping seven days a week in Dordrecht. In Dordrecht you can shop until you drop seven days a week. The shopping streets in Dordrecht city centre are always busy. The main shopping .
      Start bij de oude V&D .
  • Shopping in the historic centre of Dordrecht