Pensioen schepenen

  • About SSPF. Stichting Shell Pensioenfonds (SSPF) takes care of the pension scheme for former and current Shell employees who became employed prior to 1 July and have the .
  • Shell’s new pension scheme
  • © 2025 SHELL PENSION
  • In the future, there will be a new system with only one type of pension scheme: the premium scheme. In such a scheme, each participant builds up pension capital in his/her own pot.
  • The project
  • The SSPF scheme
  • Questions & Answers
  • Shell’s new pension scheme

  • The Future Pensions Act (Dutch:Wet toekomst pensioenen or Wtp) came into force on 30 May this year, after the approval by the Dutch Senate. As the social partners, the .
  • pensioen schepenen
  • On 22 December The House of Representatives has voted in favour of the draft pension legislation (the Future Pension Act), with 93 votes for and 48 votes against.
  • Shell’s new pension scheme In the future, there will be a new system with only one type of pension scheme: the premium scheme.
    The transition to the new pension scheme is a major change for a large part of the employees and possibly also our former colleagues and pensioners.
    This concludes the employment conditions consultation and means that an important milestone has been achieved!
    The SSPF scheme - Shell Pensioen .
      Shell's new pension scheme - Shell Pensioen Jan: "Exactly what the pension agreement will entail for Shell employees will only become apparent once Shell and the Central Works Council (COR) have agreed on the details. As far .
      The project - Shell Pensioen How is my pension estimated? If you participate in the SNPS pension scheme, we invest the defined contribution for you. Each year you accrue a part of your pension capital with this .